Joel C. Miller

Brief Academic CV (full CV)
Recent Positions
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
- LaTrobe University
Jan 2022 - Present
Jan 2019 - Jan 2022
My roles at LaTrobe include
research (COVID and other infectious diseases, including providing policy support. Contributed to numerous governmental reports, publications, and outreach efforts related to COVID.)
teaching (Calculus, Vector Calculus, Disease Modelling. I have played a large role in a revision of the Calculus subject, and I am leading an ongoing revision of Vector Calculus. Disease Modelling is a new subject that I am co-teaching).
Supervision (my student started in 2022 and has 2 papers under review at high impact journals).
Senior Research Scientist
- Institute for Disease Modeling
March 2016 - Jan 2019
My responsibilities included:
Supporting disease-specific groups in their research into Malaria, Polio, Enteric Diseases, HIV, and other infections.
Producing software for disease simulations.
Writing papers and producing educational materials to train modelers in other institutions.
Significant Research Outputs
Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks
(Kiss, Miller, & Simon)
~400 page book introducing mathematical techniques to model the spread of epidemics on networks
>500 citations
FWCI = 27.23 (excluded in calculating my overall FWCI)
100+ function software package produced for studying epidemic spread in networks.
Used in multiple countries on at least 3 continents to help inform COVID response.
A project I led in collaboration with some bioethicists and an undergraduate LaTrobe mathematics student.
Develops and applies a technique for calculating the expected impact of a single individual on the total number of infections in a population.
I expect this paper to form the basis of a significant fraction of my research going forward.
Develops a technique for predicting the dynamics of an epidemic spreading in a contact network with heterogeneous degrees, using only a handful of differential equations.
>250 citations
FWCI = 3.94
Develops a new class of clustered networks which allow us to analytically explore the impact of clustering on epidemic and other processes.
~300 citations
FWCI = 5.56
Science Advances (IF ~14)
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (IF ~3.9)
Theoretical Population Biology (IF ~1.5)
Journal of Infectious Disease Modelling (IF to be released in June - it's a young journal)
2024 - MATRIX Workshop "Addressing new modelling and data challenges revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic"
2022 - BIRS Workshop "Preparing for the next pandemic"
2022 - NSF Workshop "Computational Approaches for Contagion on Complex Social Systems"
2020 - IPAM Workshop "Mathematical Models in Understanding COVID-19"